Friday, April 11, 2014

What would Seneca say?

Roman moralists were fond of decrying the decaying morals of their day. Famed moralists such as Seneca and Cicero often warned that the foundation of a society or empire lay in its moral and ethical foundation.

 America's moral collapse seems to keep getting more and more apparent. Here is what a modern-day "moralist" has to say about America's moral collapse:

 Some of these things – the crime rate, the high number of STDs, the fake charities – are truly shocking. Mixed in are innocuous things such as a belief in evolution (which is scientific, not moral), or a belief in gay marriage (which is political, not moral). InfoWars has become discredited for promoting falsehoods.

Yet one can't help but wonder why so few people want to believe that ethics make a difference, and that when we refuse to live ethical lives, we destroy the very foundations of society.